Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • not exemplifying a class
    "behavior quite unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession"


    1. Any cooling procedure that results in unrepresentative emissions is not permitted.
    2. the mycotoxin content, adversely affect the analytical determination or make the aggregate samples unrepresentative;
    3. Incremental samples shall not be collected from areas that appear to be unrepresentative of the field or area under cover.
    4. The exporting producers therefore concluded that their selection in the sample was not warranted and thus that the sample was unrepresentative.
    5. Furthermore, the exporting producer did not explain nor provide any evidence as to why, in this specific case, the selected periods would be unrepresentative.
    6. the nitrate content, adversely affect the analytical determination or make the aggregate samples unrepresentative, e.g. the presence of soil on lettuce or spinach during sample preparation,
    7. If a manufacturer believes that the above mapping techniques are unsafe or unrepresentative for any given engine, alternate mapping techniques may be used.
    8. Accordingly, it was considered that this information was unreliable and unrepresentative and it was thus not reasonable to establish normal value in the PRC on that basis.
    9. Furthermore, the study for BdB is said to use an unrepresentative reference period, viz. 1982-92, which includes two market rallies.
    10. In the course of sampling and preparation of the samples precautions, must be taken to avoid any changes, which would affect the Fusarium toxin content, adversely affect the analytical determination or make the aggregate samples unrepresentative.
    11. In the course of sampling and preparation of the samples precautions must be taken to avoid any changes, which would affect the benzo(a)pyrene content, adversely affect the analytical determination or make the aggregate samples unrepresentative.
    12. Indeed, it runs counter the very concept of sampling to argue that because of the fact that (non-sampled) exporters should be classified as either MET or non-MET, a sample of such a population would per se be unrepresentative.
    13. In the course of sampling and preparation of the samples, precautions shall be taken to avoid any changes, which would affect the content of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs, adversely affect the analytical determination or make the aggregate samples unrepresentative.
    14. Some interested parties further claimed that the approach chosen by the Commission to establish the injury may lead to unrepresentative results because at provisional stage data from one company selected for the sample, Celtic Atlantic Salmon, was only used for the purpose of calculating undercutting and underselling, but not for establishing the other injury indicators.
    15. It was considered that the years used as benchmark could indeed be considered unrepresentative in normal circumstances to the extent that 2004 was an exceptionally good year in terms of profits (15 %) because of a significant shortage of Chinese Coke 80+ on the market.