Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • leugenachtig
  • not expressing or given to expressing the truth
"the statement given under oath was untruthful"
"an untruthful person"



  1. The information on contractual terms and conditions is misleading if it causes or is likely to cause the average consumer to take a transactional decision that he would have otherwise not taken, either because the information is false and is therefore untruthful, or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, even if the information is correct.
  2. A commercial practice shall be regarded as misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, even if the information is factually correct, in relation to one or more of the following elements, and in either case causes or is likely to cause him to take a transactional decision that he would not have taken otherwise:
  3. Advertising is misleading if it: contains false information and is therefore untruthful, or omits or hides material information that the average consumer needs to take a decision, or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, even if the information is correct, and causes or is likely to cause the consumer to take a transactional decision that he would not otherwise have taken.