Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • in evenwicht, harmonie verkerend
  • free from psychological disorder



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • in an optimal state of balance or equilibrium
    "a well-balanced wheel"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • evenwichtig
    • free from psychological disorder





    1. The duration of the contract and the foreseen compensations are well-balanced.
    2. Sound macroeconomic policies are essential to support a well-balanced economic expansion and the full realisation of current growth potential.
    3. Upon receiving EFRAG's opinion on endorsement of IFRS or IFRICs, the group shall give its advice on whether the opinion of EFRAG is objective and well-balanced.
    4. enhancement of a harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of economic activities, jobs and human resources, as well as protection and the improvement of the environment;
    5. Sound macroeconomic policies and structural reforms on product, labour and capital markets are essential to support a well balanced economic growth and the full realisation of growth potential.
    6. The additional guarantee that retired workers will effectively enjoy financial well-being which is commensurate with their labour during their working life is in the common interest of the general and socially balanced development of economic activities.
    7. Evidence used for classification shall ideally be from well conducted epidemiological studies which include the use of appropriate controls, balanced assessment, and due consideration of bias or confounding factors.
    8. Ensuring uptake of ICTs by firms and households and promoting development through balanced support for the supply and demand of ICT products and both public and private services, as well as through increased investment in human capital.
    9. The Netherlands’ main concern has been that the Directive should contain a balanced package of European and national measures, as well as realistic time limits to achieve the air quality targets.
    10. As EFRAG is a private body it is important for the high quality, transparency and credibility of the endorsement process to establish appropriate institutional infrastructure ensuring that its endorsement advice is objective and well-balanced.
    11. The role of the group shall be to advise the Commission, before it takes a decision on endorsement, on whether EFRAG's opinions on endorsement of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Interpretations by the International Financial Reporting Committee (IFRICs) are well-balanced and objective.
    12. In line with the provisions of the Media Law of NRW, the criteria included the contribution of a programme channel to a balanced overall programme offer (Programmvielfalt) and to pluralism of broadcasters (Anbietervielfalt) as well as the presence of a broadcaster in the ATT network [27].
    13. In accordance with Commission Decision 2006/505/EC of 14 July 2006 setting up a Standards Advice Review Group to advise the Commission on the objectivity and neutrality of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group’s (EFRAG’s) opinions [3], the Standards Advice Review Group considered EFRAG’s opinion on endorsement and advised the European Commission that it is well-balanced and objective.
    14. contribute to a structured and balanced review of the operation of the NPT at the 2005 Review Conference, including the implementation of undertakings of the States Parties under the said Treaty, as well as the identification of areas in which, and of means through which, further progress should be sought in future;
    15. In accordance with Commission Decision 2006/505/EC of 14 July 2006 setting up a Standards Advice Review Group to advise the Commission on the objectivity and neutrality of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group's (EFRAG’s) opinions [3], the Standards Advice Review Group considered EFRAG's opinion on endorsement and advised the Commission that it is well balanced and objective.