Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • geschikt om te bestaan
  • capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • nuttig; bruikbaar
  • capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • (makkelijk) te kneden
  • capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • doenlijk
  • capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • exploitabel, exploiteerbaar
  • capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are




  1. It has therefore been concluded that the undertaking in its current form is no longer workable.
  2. Germany consistently exempted all dual use and any workable mineralogical processes covered by the Directive, and thereby followed the same approach throughout its energy tax system.
  3. In view of the above, in particular the difficulties in monitoring the different minimum import prices, it is considered that undertakings are not workable in principle.
  4. The company therefore wished to offer again its original undertaking and submitted that, in view of the changes circumstances, such an undertaking would be both effective and workable.
  5. In view of both of these developments it was not possible to finalise workable, and therefore acceptable, undertakings within the time limits of the present investigation,
  6. point to the need to further consider whether an undertaking combining an indexed minimum price and a quantitative ceiling would be workable.
  7. As concerns the Community industry’s comments that on a supply driven market the current indexation formula will not be workable, it is noted that the Commission will monitor these undertakings and should prima facie evidence exist that these undertakings are no longer workable, the Commission should act expeditiously to remedy the situation, as set out in recital 19.
  8. As concerns the Community industry's comments that on a supply driven market the current indexation formula will not be workable, it is noted that the Commission will monitor this undertaking and should prima facie evidence exist that the undertaking is no longer workable, the Commission should act expeditiously to remedy the situation, as set out in recital 11.
  9. The Community industry argued that the prices of the product concerned are volatile and that an indexation of the minimum import prices based on the quoted prices of the product concerned is not workable under all market conditions, in particular it would not be workable in a supply driven market.
  10. One method that has proved workable is the use of a vaccine containing a virus of the same haemagglutinin (H) subtype but a different neuraminidase (N) from the prevailing field virus.
  11. Given the fact that the minimum import price cannot be indexed, it was concluded that the undertaking in its current form, namely with fixed minimum prices is not workable any longer.
  12. In Phase II the development and testing of the most promising solutions identified in Phase I will be contracted out to scientific research institutions with the aim to test and consolidate these promising studies into workable software.
  13. The number of actual and potential exporting producers was considered too great for an undertaking to be workable, as it would render any type of price undertaking very difficult to monitor.
  14. Subsequent to the disclosure of the undertaking offer, the Community industry objected to this undertaking offer. The Community industry argued that the prices of the product concerned are volatile and that an indexation of the minimum price based on the quoted prices of the product concerned is not workable under all market conditions, in particular it would not be workable in a supply driven market, i.e. a market situation in which the buyer can determine the prices due to high supply.
  15. The Community industry argued that the prices of the product concerned are volatile and that an indexation of the minimum price based on the quoted prices of the product concerned is not workable under all market conditions, in particular it would not be workable in a supply driven market, i.e. a market situation in which the buyer can determine the prices due to high supply.