Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • not just or fair
    "a wrongful act"
    "a wrongful charge"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • unlawfully violating the rights of others
      "wrongful death"
      "a wrongful diversion of trust income"
      Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
        • having no legally established claim
        "the wrongful heir to the throne"



        1. Recovery of wrongful payments
        2. The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where:
        3. In order to prevent the wrongful acquisition of financial advantage, compensatory interests shall be applied in accordance with the provisions in force.
        4. In cases of wrongful payment, the beneficiary shall reimburse the amount in question plus interest for the period between payment and the reimbursement by the beneficiary.
        5. As regards the customs claim, Romania provided conclusive information showing that the customs claim was declared unfounded by a national court: the claim originated from the wrongful interpretation and application of national legislation.
        6. The view cannot be taken that a private investor would be led to carry out wrongful acts owing to considerations of a general rather than entrepreneurial nature (for example, for social or regional development purposes).
        7. As regards the customs claim, Romania provided conclusive information showing that the customs claim was declared unfounded by a national court: the claim originated from the wrongful interpretation and application of national legislation. Thus, the customs claim was annulled.
        8. The Commission notes that a judgment of the commercial division of the Court of Cassation, in which that court states that it would be prepared to grant an action in damages against a dominant company the wrongful conduct of which led to the downfall of the subsidiary, and as a result, collective redundancies, is to the same effect as the Aspocomp case-law.
        9. In case of wrongful removal or retention of the child, the authorities of the Contracting State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention keep their jurisdiction until the child has acquired a habitual residence in another State, and:
        10. the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds from the general budget of the European Communities or budgets managed by, or on behalf of, the European Communities,
        11. The interest rate payable by the beneficiary of a wrongful payment should be aligned on the interest rate for amounts receivable not repaid on the due date referred to in Article 86 of Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities [6].
        12. Although the French authorities consider that their conduct as manager of SNCM cannot be described as being ‘wrongful’ in that action, they insist that there is a very high risk that an order would be made against the State by a national court for the shortfall in SNCM’s assets owing to flexible criteria for characterisation of mismanagement as provided for in Article L-651-2 of the Commercial Code and pursuant to the case-law cited above which can be transposed to the present case.