Vertaling van approximately


approximately {bw.}
approximately {bw.}
about, approximately, some {bw.}
some {bw.}
about, some, approximately, roughly, something like {bw.}
something like {bw.}
about, approximately, around, close to, just about, more or less, or so, roughly, some {bw.}
close to
just about
more or less
or so
some {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Approximately two weeks.

Approximately two weeks.

Approximately how large is the community?

Approximately how large is the community?

The bridge is approximately a mile long.

The bridge is approximately a mile long.

Dogs breathe approximately 30 times a minute.

Dogs breathe approximately 30 times a minute.

The total is approximately ten thousand dollars.

The total is approximately ten thousand dollars.

There are approximately 2 million words in a dictionary.

There are approximately 2 million words in a dictionary.

There remain approximately 900 art sketches by Leonardo da Vinci.

There remain approximately 900 art sketches by Leonardo da Vinci.

Chemical products account for approximately two-thirds of our exports.

Chemical products account for approximately two-thirds of our exports.

It's better to be approximately right than completely wrong.

It's better to be approximately right than completely wrong.

Tom is approximately Mary's age.

Tom is approximately Mary's age.

Disconnect the power cable from the modem, wait for approximately one minute, then reconnect the cable.

Disconnect the power cable from the modem, wait for approximately one minute, then reconnect the cable.

Approximately how large is the community?

Approximately how large is the community?

The Narita Express will take you directly to Tokyo Station in approximately 90 minutes.

The Narita Express will take you directly to Tokyo Station in approximately 90 minutes.

A person's heart is approximately the same size as their fist.

A person's heart is approximately the same size as their fist.

The number Pi is approximately equal to 3.14 or 22/7. Its symbol is "π".

The number Pi is approximately equal to 3.14 or 22/7. Its symbol is "π".

Gerelateerd aan approximately

about - some - roughly - something like - around - close to - just about - more or less - or so