Vertaling van ascertain


to ascertain {ww.}
to ascertain {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains
» meer vervoegingen van to ascertain

Ascertain whether they are safe or not.
Ascertain whether they are safe or not.
I am going to ascertain the truth of the matter.
I am going to ascertain the truth of the matter.
to notice, to note, to establish, to ascertain, to take note {ww.}
to notice
to note
to establish
to ascertain
to take note {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I notice
you notice
he/she/it notices
» meer vervoegingen van to notice

We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster.
We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster.
It is difficult to ascertain what really happened.
It is difficult to ascertain what really happened.
to ascertain {ww.}
to ascertain {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains
» meer vervoegingen van to ascertain

I'm going to ascertain the truth of his statement.
I'm going to ascertain the truth of his statement.
to see, to watch, to learn, to check, to find out, to determine, to ascertain {ww.}
to see
to watch
to learn
to check
to find out
to determine
to ascertain {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I see
you see
he/she/it sees
» meer vervoegingen van to see

Just watch and learn.
Just watch and learn.
Watch and learn.
Watch and learn.
to see, to check, to control, to assure, to see to it, to ensure, to ascertain, to insure {ww.}
to see
to check
to control
to assure
to see to it
to ensure
to ascertain
to insure {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I see
you see
he/she/it sees
» meer vervoegingen van to see

I'll see to it.
I'll see to it.
I will see to it.
I will see to it.
to find, to find out, to determine, to ascertain {ww.}
to find
to find out
to determine
to ascertain {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I find
you find
he/she/it finds
» meer vervoegingen van to find

We'll soon find out.
We'll soon find out.
You'll find out.
You'll find out.
to see, to check, to control, to assure, to see to it, to ensure, to ascertain, to insure {ww.}
to see
to check
to control
to assure
to see to it
to ensure
to ascertain
to insure {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I see
you see
he/she/it sees
» meer vervoegingen van to see

I'll see to it first thing tomorrow.
I'll see to it first thing tomorrow.
See to it that you keep quiet.
See to it that you keep quiet.
to see, to check, to control, to assure, to see to it, to ensure, to ascertain, to insure {ww.}
to see
to check
to control
to assure
to see to it
to ensure
to ascertain
to insure {ww.}

I ascertain
you ascertain
he/she/it ascertains

I see
you see
he/she/it sees
» meer vervoegingen van to see

See to it that this problem gets fixed by tomorrow.
See to it that this problem gets fixed by tomorrow.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Ascertain whether they are safe or not.

Ascertain whether they are safe or not.

I am going to ascertain the truth of the matter.

I am going to ascertain the truth of the matter.

We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster.

We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster.

It is difficult to ascertain what really happened.

It is difficult to ascertain what really happened.

I'm going to ascertain the truth of his statement.

I'm going to ascertain the truth of his statement.

The readers cannot ascertain whether the news is true or not.

The readers cannot ascertain whether the news is true or not.

The department of Legal Medicine Research is trying to ascertain the cause of today's conflagration.

The department of Legal Medicine Research is trying to ascertain the cause of today's conflagration.

As I heard the story secondhand, I can't ascertain the truth of it.

As I heard the story secondhand, I can't ascertain the truth of it.

Gerelateerd aan ascertain

notice - note - establish - take note - see - watch - learn - check - find out - determine - control - assure - see to it - ensure - insurediscover - count - check - emend