Vertaling van foster


to feed, to foster, to nurture, to nourish {ww.}
to feed
to foster
to nurture
to nourish {ww.}

I feed
you feed
he/she/it feeds

I feed
you feed
he/she/it feeds
» meer vervoegingen van to feed

Sports nurture friendships.
Sports nurture friendships.
We need to nourish our spirit.
We need to nourish our spirit.
to foster {ww.}
to foster {ww.}

I foster
you foster
he/she/it fosters

I foster
you foster
he/she/it fosters
» meer vervoegingen van to foster

Jimmy is my foster child.
Jimmy is my foster child.
Health and gaiety foster beauty.
Health and gaiety foster beauty.
to foster, to nurture {ww.}
to foster
to nurture {ww.}

I foster
you foster
he/she/it fosters

I foster
you foster
he/she/it fosters
» meer vervoegingen van to foster

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
Let's use our experiences to nurture the sense needed to make marital relations go well.
Let's use our experiences to nurture the sense needed to make marital relations go well.
foster, stephen foster, stephen collins foster {zn.}
stephen foster
stephen collins foster {zn.}
He was visiting his foster mother.
He was visiting his foster mother.
Tom grew up in a foster home.
Tom grew up in a foster home.
foster, surrogate {bn.}
surrogate {bn.}
to further, to foster {ww.}
to further
to foster {ww.}

I foster
you foster
he/she/it fosters

I further
you further
he/she/it furthers
» meer vervoegingen van to further

Those rules foster discontent among students.
Those rules foster discontent among students.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Jimmy is my foster child.

Jimmy is my foster child.

Health and gaiety foster beauty.

Health and gaiety foster beauty.

He was visiting his foster mother.

He was visiting his foster mother.

Tom grew up in a foster home.

Tom grew up in a foster home.

Those rules foster discontent among students.

Those rules foster discontent among students.

This song was written by Foster.

This song was written by Foster.

They did everything they could to foster good relations.

They did everything they could to foster good relations.

Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world.

Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world.

He adopted a war orphan and is bringing her up as a foster daughter.

He adopted a war orphan and is bringing her up as a foster daughter.

Health-Sports Day is second Monday of October.That day for sports and to foster a sound mind and body.

Health-Sports Day is second Monday of October.That day for sports and to foster a sound mind and body.

Rich and generous, he was soon surrounded by those who knew well how to flatter and foster his weaknesses for their own ends.

Rich and generous, he was soon surrounded by those who knew well how to flatter and foster his weaknesses for their own ends.

The 26th of September is the European Day of the Languages. The Council of Europe want to sharpen the attention for the multilingual heritage of Europe, to foster the evolution of multilingualism in society and to encourage the citizens to learn languages​​. Tatoeba as an easy-to-use learning media and as a vivid community promotes the study and appreciation of languages in a quite practical way.

The 26th of September is the European Day of the Languages. The Council of Europe want to sharpen the attention for the multilingual heritage of Europe, to foster the evolution of multilingualism in society and to encourage the citizens to learn languages​​. Tatoeba as an easy-to-use learning media and as a vivid community promotes the study and appreciation of languages in a quite practical way.

Gerelateerd aan foster

feed - nurture - nourish - stephen foster - stephen collins foster - surrogate - furtherprobationary