Vertaling van prance


to prance {ww.}
to prance {ww.}

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances
» meer vervoegingen van to prance

to rear, to buck, to balk, to prance {ww.}
to rear
to buck
to balk
to prance {ww.}

I balk
you balk
he/she/it balks

I rear
you rear
he/she/it rears
» meer vervoegingen van to rear

Pass the buck.
Pass the buck.
I'm tracking a buck.
I'm tracking a buck.
to prance {ww.}
to prance {ww.}

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances
» meer vervoegingen van to prance

to prance {ww.}
to prance {ww.}

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances

I prance
you prance
he/she/it prances
» meer vervoegingen van to prance

to cock, to swagger, to strut, to tittup, to sashay, to ruffle, to prance {ww.}
to cock
to swagger
to strut
to tittup
to sashay
to ruffle
to prance {ww.}

I cock
you cock
he/she/it cocks

I cock
you cock
he/she/it cocks
» meer vervoegingen van to cock

What a cock-up!
What a cock-up!
Tom has a huge cock.
Tom has a huge cock.
strut, swagger, prance {zn.}
prance {zn.}
Who said you can swagger around like that just because you're one year ahead of me?
Who said you can swagger around like that just because you're one year ahead of me?
"What," said Al-Sayib. "You think that being on international TV means that you need to strut around in an Armani now?"
"What," said Al-Sayib. "You think that being on international TV means that you need to strut around in an Armani now?"

Gerelateerd aan prance

rear - buck - balk - cock - swagger - strut - tittup - sashay - rufflebrag