Vertaling van sample


to sample {ww.}
to sample {ww.}
Let me sample your cake.
Let me sample your cake.
This is a free sample.
This is a free sample.
sample, specimen {zn.}
specimen {zn.}
This is a very rare specimen.
This is a very rare specimen.
A good specimen might weigh up to a kilo.
A good specimen might weigh up to a kilo.
example, sample, instance {zn.}
instance {zn.}
This example text is a how-to-write sample, so please add to and delete from it as required before using.
This example text is a how-to-write sample, so please add to and delete from it as required before using.
Show me an example.
Show me an example.
representative, sample {bn.}
sample {bn.}
to try, to test, to prove, to attempt, to pilot, to sample, to assay {ww.}
to try
to test
to prove
to attempt
to pilot
to sample
to assay {ww.}
Tom passed his driving test on his first attempt.
Tom passed his driving test on his first attempt.
She was elated by the molybdenum assay of the ore sample from her claim.
She was elated by the molybdenum assay of the ore sample from her claim.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Let me sample your cake.

Let me sample your cake.

This is a free sample.

This is a free sample.

He wrote away for a sample.

He wrote away for a sample.

Could I have a sample taste?

Could I have a sample taste?

The sample is not pure enough.

The sample is not pure enough.

She gave the sample to her assistant.

She gave the sample to her assistant.

DNA is extracted from a blood sample.

DNA is extracted from a blood sample.

He took the sample to his coworker.

He took the sample to his coworker.

We need a sample in addition to materials.

We need a sample in addition to materials.

The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.

The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.

They took a sample of my blood at the hospital.

They took a sample of my blood at the hospital.

We would now like to have some sample flashlights.

We would now like to have some sample flashlights.

They sent me a sample in answer to my request.

They sent me a sample in answer to my request.

Please leave a urine sample in this cup.

Please leave a urine sample in this cup.

He located the computer, poured in the sample and deposited the $10.00.

He located the computer, poured in the sample and deposited the $10.00.

Gerelateerd aan sample

specimen - example - instance - representative - try - test - prove - attempt - pilot - assay