Vertaling van take action


to move, to act, to take action {ww.}
to move
to act
to take action {ww.}
Take action.
Take action.
Rather than cry, you should take action!
Rather than cry, you should take action!
to move, to act, to take action {ww.}
to move
to act
to take action {ww.}
Let's move!
Let's move!
Move quietly.
Move quietly.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Take action.

Take action.

Rather than cry, you should take action!

Rather than cry, you should take action!

You must take action for their early release.

You must take action for their early release.

The school authorities started to take action at their request.

The school authorities started to take action at their request.

At a grassroot level, it is mandatory to take action.

At a grassroot level, it is mandatory to take action.

My daughter's slowness to take action is a pain.

My daughter's slowness to take action is a pain.

You must take action for their release quickly.

You must take action for their release quickly.

It is up to the government to take action on violence.

It is up to the government to take action on violence.

It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once.

It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once.

AIDS can be stopped only if every person decides to take action against it.

AIDS can be stopped only if every person decides to take action against it.

Gerelateerd aan take action

move - actcome about - act