Vertaling van put out


to extinguish, to put out, to quench, to stub {ww.}
It took a long time to put out the fire.
Llevó un buen rato extinguir el fuego.
Don't forget to put out the fire.
No olviden apagar el fuego.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Put out your cigarettes!

¡Apaguen sus cigarrillos!

Put out the light.

Apague la luz.

Put out the fire.

¡Apaga el fuego!

Put out your tongue, please.

Sacá la lengua, por favor.

Tom put out his cigarette.

Tom apagó su cigarrillo.

The fire fighters put out the fire.

Los bomberos apagaron el fuego.

Don't forget to put out the fire.

No olviden apagar el fuego.

Never forget to put out the fire.

Nunca te olvides de apagar el fuego.

Would you put out the candles?

¿Apagarías las velas?

The fire was put out immediately.

El fuego fue apagado inmediatamente.

Put out your cigarette. Smoking's not permitted here.

Apague su cigarrillo. No se permite fumar aquí.

They worked together to put out the fire.

Trabajaron juntos para apagar el fuego.

Have you put out the light in the dining room?

¿Has apagado la luz del comedor?

Put out the candle. The blackout is over.

Apaga la vela. El corte de luz terminó.

She put out the light before she went to bed.

Ella apagó la luz antes de acostarse.

Gerelateerd aan put out

extinguish - quench - stub