Vertaling van in front of


before, in front of, to, above, ahead of {vz.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Look in front of you.

Regardez devant vous !

He was walking in front of me.

Il marchait devant moi.

He stood in front of me.

Il se plantait devant moi.

He is in front of the door.

Il est devant la porte.

It's right in front of your eyes.

C'est juste devant vos yeux.

He walked in front of me.

Il marchait devant moi.

They relaxed in front of the fire.

Elles se détendirent devant le feu.

I slept in front of the TV.

J'ai dormi devant la télé.

He sat in front of me.

Il s'est assis devant moi.

Life lies in front of you.

La vie s'étend devant vous.

She spends her evenings in front of her laptop.

Elle passe ses soirées face à son ordinateur portable.

Don't be shy about speaking in front of people.

Ne sois pas intimidé de parler devant les gens.

He made a speech in front of many people.

Il a fait un discours devant beaucoup de personnes.

A young man is singing in front of the door.

Un jeune homme chante devant la porte.

The truck cut in front of my car.

Le poids lourd traversa devant ma voiture.

Gerelateerd aan in front of

before - to - above - ahead of