Vertaling van consentir


consentir, mimar {ww.}
to spoil 
acordar, consentir, acceder {ww.}
to acquiesce 
to admit 
to assent
to accept 
to consent 
to agree 
to accede
entregar, consentir {ww.}
to hand in
to give in
Tengo que entregar hoy el informe.
I must hand in the report today.
Favor de entregar los documentos necesarios.
Please hand in the necessary papers.
mimar, consentir, abrumar con favores {ww.}
to indulge 
to cherish 
to pamper
to pet
to coddle
Los padres jóvenes suelen mimar a los niños.
Young parents often indulge their children.

Gerelateerd aan consentir

mimar - acordar - acceder - entregar - abrumar con favores