Vertaling van controlar


controlar, verificar, examinar {ww.}
to examine
to verify
to review 
to oversee
to moderate 
to collate
to supervise
to check 
to audit
Aristóteles mantuvo que las mujeres tienen menos dientes que los hombres; aunque se casó dos veces, nunca se le ocurrió verificar esta afirmación al Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Creo que aún debemos examinar el resto.
I think we still have to examine the rest.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No me puedo controlar.

I can't control myself.

Debemos controlar nuestras pasiones.

We must control our passions.

Tom no se pudo controlar.

Tom couldn't control himself.

No pude controlar mis lágrimas.

I couldn't control my tears.

Tom no pudo controlar sus emociones.

Tom couldn't control his emotions.

Bob no podía controlar su ira.

Bob could not control his anger.

Ella no puede controlar a sus niños.

She can't control her children.

Desearía averiguar como controlar mi apetito.

I wish I could figure out how to control my appetite.

La ira es difícil de controlar.

Anger is hard to control.

Le fue muy difícil controlar sus emociones.

It was very difficult for her to control her emotions.

Tom no pudo controlar su enfado.

Tom couldn't control his anger.

Ella no puede controlar sus emociones.

She can't control her emotions.

Tom no puede controlar a sus hijos.

Tom can't control his children.

Controlar la furia propia es una virtud.

Suppressing one's anger is a virtue.

Aquel que busca controlar el destino nunca encontrará paz.

He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

Gerelateerd aan controlar

verificar - examinar