Vertaling van cortar


cortar {ww.}
to cut 
to hew
to hack
to chop 
Tenemos que cortar nuestros gastos.
We must cut down our expenses.
Lavar, cortar y secar, por favor.
Cut, wash and dry, please.
cortar {ww.}
to decapitate
to behead
cortar, esquilar {ww.}
to cut 
to shear 
to clip 
El trabajo de ellos es esquilar a las ovejas.
Their job is to shear the sheep.
Este cuchillo no va a cortar bien.
This knife won't cut well.
cortar {ww.}
to cut 
to slice 
Trata de cortar la carne con otro un cuchillo diferente.
Try to slice the meat with a different knife.
Es fácil cortar queso con un cuchillo.
It's easy to cut cheese with a knife.
arrancar, cortar {ww.}
to pluck
to tear off
to pick 
seccionar, cortar, disecar {ww.}
to cut 
to dissect
Este cuchillo se usa para cortar carne.
This knife is used to cut meat.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tenemos que cortar nuestros gastos.

We must cut down our expenses.

Es fácil cortar queso con un cuchillo.

It's easy to cut cheese with a knife.

Lavar, cortar y secar, por favor.

Cut, wash and dry, please.

Necesito unas tijeras para cortar este papel.

I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper.

Quiero un cuchillo para cortar la soga.

I want a knife with which to cut the rope.

Aprovechemos las vacaciones para cortar el césped.

Let's take advantage of the vacation to mow the lawn.

Cortar-y-pegar es muy útil.

Copy-and-paste is very useful.

Pásame algo con que cortar esto.

Lend me something with which to cut this.

Pásame algo con qué cortar la cuerda.

Lend me something with which to cut the string.

Este cuchillo se usa para cortar carne.

This knife is used to cut meat.

Tom se olvidó de cortar el gas.

Tom forgot to turn off the gas.

Este cuchillo no va a cortar bien.

This knife won't cut well.

Tom se acaba de cortar el pelo.

Tom just got a haircut.

Él se fue a cortar el pelo, pero volverá pronto.

He had gone to get a haircut, but he'll be back soon.

Tras cortar con ella, Simón se alejó sin mirar atrás.

After splitting up with her, Simon walked away without looking back.

Gerelateerd aan cortar

esquilar - arrancar - seccionar - disecar