Vertaling van escapar


escapar {ww.}
to escape 
to flee 
Tom quiere escapar.
Tom wants to escape.
No te dejaré escapar.
I won't let you escape.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No te dejaré escapar.

I won't let you escape.

Tom quiere escapar.

Tom wants to escape.

Tom estaba intentando escapar.

Tom was trying to escape.

No puedes escapar.

You can't escape.

Él intentó escapar.

He attempted to escape.

Ellos intentaron escapar.

They tried to escape.

Por fortuna pudieron escapar.

Fortunately, they were able to escape.

No tuve oportunidad de escapar.

I had no chance to escape.

El pez se quiere escapar.

The fish wants to escape.

No dejes escapar esa oportunidad.

Don't let this chance slip by.

Él admitió que quería escapar de aquí.

He admitted that he wanted to escape from here.

No te dejaré escapar de aquí.

I'm not letting you escape from here.

No tiene caso tratar de escapar.

It is no use trying to escape.

Yo no ayudé a Tom a escapar.

I didn't help Tom escape.

Lo atamos para que así no pudiera escapar.

We tied him up so that he wouldn't be able to escape.