Vertaling van estimar


estimar, apreciar {ww.}
to appreciate 
to think highly of
to value 
to prize 
to think well of
to esteem
Él aprendió a apreciar la literatura.
He learned to appreciate literature.
Para apreciar su belleza, sólo tienes que mirarla.
To appreciate her beauty, you have only to look at her.
estimar, evaluar, tasar, apreciar {ww.}
to evaluate
to estimate 
to value 
to judge 
to gauge 
to assess 
to assay
to rate 
to appraise
¿Puede estimar cuánto se va a retrasar el tren?
Can you estimate how late the train will be?
El trabajo de Scott es evaluar los activos de las compañías.
Scott's job is to evaluate the assets of companies.
apreciar, estimar {ww.}
to appreciate 
to have a high regard for
to think well of
to prize 
to think highly of
to love 
to fancy 
to enjoy 
to like 
Ustedes no saben apreciar a las moscas en todo su esplendor.
You can't appreciate the flies in all their glory.
Él no supo apreciar la broma de las muchachas arrogantes, así que tomó venganza.
He couldn't appreciate the joke of the arrogant girls, so he took revenge.

Gerelateerd aan estimar

apreciar - evaluar - tasar