Vertaling van gritar


gritar {ww.}
to scream 
to shout 
to call out
to cry 
to call
to cry out
Él empezó a gritar.
He began to shout.
Escuchamos a alguien gritar.
We heard somebody shout.
rebuznar, balar, gritar, ladrar {ww.}
to squeal
to vociferate
to moo
to low 
to growl
to whinny
to roar 
to bray
to neigh
to bleat
to bellow 

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No quiero gritar.

I don't want to shout.

Escuché a alguien gritar.

I heard someone shouting.

Escuchamos a alguien gritar.

We heard somebody shout.

Él empezó a gritar.

He began to shout.

Ella le oyó gritar.

She heard him scream.

El niño empezó a gritar.

The boy began to scream.

Estoy ronco por gritar tanto.

I am hoarse from yelling so much.

Tom escuchó a Mary gritar.

Tom heard Mary shout.

Se enronqueció de tanto gritar.

He got hoarse from so much shouting.

Tom oyó gritar a Mary.

Tom heard Mary scream.

Todos estaban roncos de tanto gritar.

They were all hoarse from shouting.

Oí la chica gritar de ayuda.

I heard the girl crying for help.

Deja de gritar, te lo ruego.

Stop yelling, I beg you.

En el espacio nadie puede oírte gritar.

In space, no one can hear you scream.

Tom se puso a gritar como una quinceañera.

Tom started screaming like a 15 years old girl.

Gerelateerd aan gritar

rebuznar - balar - ladrar