Vertaling van lavar


lavar {ww.}
to wash 
to launder
Lavar antes de usar.
Wash before first wearing.
Me quiero lavar.
I want to wash myself.
lavar {ww.}
to wash 
Deberías lavar esta camisa.
You need to wash this shirt.
Voy a lavar mi coche.
I'm going to wash my car.
fregar, lavar {ww.}
to wash up

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Lavar antes de usar.

Wash before first wearing.

Me quiero lavar.

I want to wash myself.

Deberías lavar esta camisa.

You need to wash this shirt.

Necesitamos lavar el auto.

We need to clean the car.

Voy a lavar mi coche.

I'm going to wash my car.

Tenemos que lavar la ropa.

We have to wash the clothes.

Acabo de lavar el coche.

I have just washed the car.

Llevé mi ropa a lavar.

I took my clothes to be cleaned.

Le vi lavar el coche.

I saw him wash the car.

Paula va a lavar el coche mañana.

Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow.

Lavar, cortar y secar, por favor.

Cut, wash and dry, please.

Él no tiene que lavar el coche.

He doesn't have to wash the car.

Él empezó a lavar el coche.

He started washing his car.

¿Quién quiere lavar mi coche sucio?

Who wants to wash my dirty car?

Su trabajo es lavar los platos.

Her work is to wash the dishes.

Gerelateerd aan lavar
