Vertaling van persuadir


persuadir {ww.}
to persuade
to induce
to dissuade
to convince 
Ella trató de persuadir a su padre.
She attempted to persuade her father.
A veces es difícil persuadir a los niños a comer.
Sometimes it's hard to persuade children to eat.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Ella trató de persuadir a su padre.

She attempted to persuade her father.

Tom intentó persuadir a Mary para hacer un trío.

Tom tried to persuade Mary to have a threesome.

A veces es difícil persuadir a los niños a comer.

Sometimes it's hard to persuade children to eat.

No será fácil persuadir a Mary de ir.

It won't be easy persuading Mary to go.

Tom trató de persuadir a Mary de que fuera a la fiesta de John.

Tom tried to persuade Mary to go to John's party.

Tom es la única persona que tiene alguna posibilidad de persuadir a Mary.

Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary.

Yo no tuve problemas en persuadir a mi padre de que me dejara estudiar en el extranjero.

I had no difficulty in persuading my father to let me study abroad.

El pastor siempre intenta persuadir a las ovejas de que sus intereses y los suyos propios son los mismos.

The shepherd always tries to persuade his flock that its interests and his own are one and the same.