Vertaling van rechazar


rechazar {ww.}
to reject 
No quiero rechazar esta demanda.
I do not want to reject this claim.
rechazar, rehusar, suspender {ww.}
to reject 
to disavow 
to disallow
to shun
to dismiss
rechazar, repeler {ww.}
to repulse
to spurn
to repel 

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No quiero rechazar esta demanda.

I do not want to reject this claim.

Me fue difícil rechazar su solicitud.

It was hard for me to refuse his request.

Cometiste un error al rechazar su ayuda.

You were wrong to refuse his help.

Oscilaba entre rechazar o aceptar la invitación.

She hung between refusing or accepting the invitation.

Él juntó el coraje para rechazar su oferta.

He gathered the courage to decline the offer.

Voy a hacerte una oferta que no podrás rechazar.

I'm going to make you an offer that you can't refuse.

Es natural que él deba rechazar esa demanda.

It is natural that he should refuse that request.

Voy a hacerle una oferta que no podrá rechazar.

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

Tom se equivocó al rechazar la ayuda de Mary.

Tom was wrong to refuse Mary's help.

Me hicieron una oferta que no pude rechazar.

They gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse.

Robert estaba tan ocupado que tuvo que rechazar una invitación para jugar al golf.

Robert was so busy he had to turn down an invitation to play golf.

Gerelateerd aan rechazar

rehusar - suspender - repeler