Vertaling van retirar


retirar {ww.}
to withdraw 
to pull 
to draw back
Tengo que retirar dinero del banco.
I have to withdraw some cash from the bank.
Ella pretendía retirar todos sus ahorros del banco.
She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No puedes retirar lo que has dicho.

You cannot take back what you have said.

Tengo que retirar dinero del banco.

I have to withdraw some cash from the bank.

Desearía poder retirar lo que dije.

I wish I could take back what I said.

Mi abuelo no sabe retirar dinero del cajero automático.

My grandfather doesn't know how to take money out of an ATM.

Si necesitas dinero lo puedes retirar del banco.

You can withdraw some money out of the bank, if you need any.

Sólo podemos esperar que el gobierno decida retirar sus tropas.

We can only hope that the government decides to withdraw its troops.

Ella pretendía retirar todos sus ahorros del banco.

She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank.

Es más fácil atrapar a un caballo fugado que retirar una palabra escapada.

It is easier to catch an escaped horse than to take back an escaped word.