Vertaling van vacilar


titubear, vacilar {ww.}
to wobble 
to totter
to vacillate
to stagger
to rock 
to falter
to waver
to hesitate
tambalear, titubear, vacilar {ww.}
to wobble
to toddle
to waddle
to totter
to falter
to stumble
titubear, vacilar {ww.}
to balk
to waver
to falter
to vacillate
to hesitate

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Vendió su propio coche sin vacilar lo más mínimo.

Without the slightest hesitation, he sold his own car.

Sin vacilar, el decano elige la sabiduría infinita.

Without hesitating, the dean selects infinite wisdom.

Si tienes alguna duda, hazmelo saber sin vacilar.

If you have any doubts, let me know without any hesitation.

Lejos de vacilar, ella se ofreció a ayudarme de buena voluntad.

Far from hesitating, she willingly offered to help me.

Gerelateerd aan vacilar

titubear - tambalear