Vertaling van rattraper


rattraper, regagner {ww.}
to recover
to recoup
to regain
to win back
to earn back

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


On doit rattraper le temps perdu.

Lost time must be made up for.

Il a couru pour rattraper son frère ?

He ran to catch up to his brother.

Je dois rattraper le temps perdu.

I must make up for lost time.

J'aimerais pouvoir rattraper le temps perdu.

I wish I could make up for lost time.

Nous devons rattraper le temps perdu.

We must make up for lost time.

Tu dois rattraper le temps perdu.

You have to make up the time you have lost.

Si tu te dépêches, tu pourras le rattraper.

If you hurry, you will catch up with him.

J'ai couru le plus vite possible pour le rattraper.

I ran as fast as possible to catch up with him.

Nous nous sommes dépêchés de rattraper le temps perdu.

We hurried to make up for the lost time.

J'ai couru aussi vite que j'ai pu pour la rattraper.

I ran as fast as possible to catch up with her.

Nous travaillons dur pour rattraper le temps perdu.

We are working hard to make up for lost time.

Ben est derrière eux, mais il devrait bientôt les rattraper.

Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them.

Elle courut très vite pour rattraper les autres membres.

She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.

Il se dépêchait pour rattraper le temps perdu.

He hurried on to make up for lost time.

Je dois rattraper le temps perdu en conduisant vite.

I must make up for lost time by driving fast.

Gerelateerd aan rattraper
