Vertaling van bere


bere {ww.}
to drink 
Vuoi bere qualche cosa?
Want to drink something?
Non bere e guidare.
Don't drink and drive.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Vorrebbe qualcosa da bere?

Would you like anything to drink?

Cosa vorresti da bere?

What would you like to drink?

È pericoloso bere troppo.

It is dangerous to drink too much.

Non bere troppo, intesi?

Don't drink too much, okay?

Le comprerò da bere

I'll buy you a drink.

Quanto dovevate bere?

How much did you have to drink?

Posso comprarti da bere?

Can I buy you a drink?

Vuoi bere qualche cosa?

Want to drink something?

Voglio bere del latte.

I want to drink milk.

Vorrei qualcosa da bere.

I'd like something to drink.

Dovete smettere di bere.

You need to stop drinking.

Voglio qualcosa da bere.

I want something to drink.

Vuole qualcosa da bere?

Do you want something to drink?

Vorrei qualcosa da bere.

I would like something to drink.

Non bere e guidare.

Don't drink and drive.