Vertaling van dipingere


dipingere {ww.}
to paint 
Mi ci vollero diverse ore per dipingere quella camera.
It took me several hours to paint that room.
Solo quando aveva quarant'anni cominciò a dipingere.
It was not until he was forty that he started to paint pictures.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Ann finì di dipingere il ritratto.

Ann finished painting the picture.

Solo quando aveva quarant'anni cominciò a dipingere.

It was not until he was forty that he started to paint pictures.

Appena avrò l'occasione aiuterò vostra madre a dipingere lo steccato.

As soon as I can get the chance, I'll help your mother paint the fence.

Mi ci vollero diverse ore per dipingere quella camera.

It took me several hours to paint that room.

Dipingere è un'altra cosa che so fare abbastanza bene.

Painting is another thing I can do fairly well.

Sto cercando una scuola dove poter dipingere ritratti.

I'm looking for a school where I can paint portraits.

Lei era in piedi su una scala a dipingere il soffitto.

She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling.