Vertaling van as


ás {zn.}
a, as, o, os {lidw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


As professoras cumprimentaram as crianças.

The teachers greeted the children.

''As boas ou as más notícias primeiro?'' ''As boas primeiro''.

"The good news first or the bad news?" "The good news first."

As coisas são as mesmas, mas as pessoas mudaram.

Things are the same but people have changed.

As flores são amarelas.

Flowers are yellow.

As flores murcharam.

The flowers withered up.

As vacas arrotam muito.

Cows burp a lot.

As vacas comem capim.

Cows eat grass.

Você quebrou as regras.

You broke the rules.

Como você as distingue?

How do you tell them apart?

Lincoln ganhou as eleições.

Lincoln won the elections.

Não toquem as flores.

Don't touch the flowers.

As pessoas adoram falar.

People love to talk.

Siga as estrelas.

Follow the stars.

Deixe as crianças virem!

Let the children come!

As gemas são amarelas.

Yolks are yellow.

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