Vervoeging van stand




  • I stand
  • you stand
  • he/she/it stands
  • we stand
  • you stand
  • they stand

Indicativo presente

  • yo erijo
  • eriges
  • él/ella erige
  • nosotros erigimos
  • vosotros erigís
  • ellos/ellas erigen

Simple past

  • I stood
  • you stood
  • he/she/it stood
  • we stood
  • you stood
  • they stood


  • yo erigí
  • erigiste
  • él/ella erigió
  • nosotros erigimos
  • vosotros erigisteis
  • ellos/ellas erigieron

Past continuous

  • I was standing
  • you were standing
  • he/she/it was standing
  • we were standing
  • you were standing
  • they were standing


  • yo erigía
  • erigías
  • él/ella erigía
  • nosotros erigíamos
  • vosotros erigíais
  • ellos/ellas erigían

Present perfect

  • I have stood
  • you have stood
  • he/she/it has stood
  • we have stood
  • you have stood
  • they have stood

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he erigido
  • has erigido
  • él/ella ha erigido
  • nosotros hemos erigido
  • vosotros habéis erigido
  • ellos/ellas han erigido

Past perfect

  • I had stood
  • you had stood
  • he/she/it had stood
  • we had stood
  • you had stood
  • they had stood


  • yo había erigido
  • habías erigido
  • él/ella había erigido
  • nosotros habíamos erigido
  • vosotros habíais erigido
  • ellos/ellas habían erigido


  • I will stand
  • you will stand
  • he/she/it will stand
  • we will stand
  • you will stand
  • they will stand

Futuro I

  • yo erigiré
  • erigirás
  • él/ella erigirá
  • nosotros erigiremos
  • vosotros erigiréis
  • ellos/ellas erigirán

Future perfect

  • I will have stood
  • you will have stood
  • he/she/it will have stood
  • we will have stood
  • you will have stood
  • they will have stood

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré erigido
  • habrás erigido
  • él/ella habrá erigido
  • nosotros habremos erigido
  • vosotros habréis erigido
  • ellos/ellas habrán erigido

Conditional present

  • I would stand
  • you would stand
  • he/she/it would stand
  • we would stand
  • you would stand
  • they would stand


  • yo erigiría
  • erigirías
  • él/ella erigiría
  • nosotros erigiríamos
  • vosotros erigiríais
  • ellos/ellas erigirían

Conditional perfect

  • I would have stood
  • you would have stood
  • he/she/it would have stood
  • we would have stood
  • you would have stood
  • they would have stood

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría erigido
  • habrías erigido
  • él/ella habría erigido
  • nosotros habríamos erigido
  • vosotros habríais erigido
  • ellos/ellas habrían erigido

Present subjunctive

  • I stand
  • you stand
  • he/she/it stand
  • we stand
  • you stand
  • they stand


  • yo erija
  • erijas
  • él/ella erija
  • nosotros erijamos
  • vosotros erijáis
  • ellos/ellas erijan

Past subjunctive

  • I stood
  • you stood
  • he/she/it stood
  • we stood
  • you stood
  • they stood

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo erigiera
  • erigieras
  • él/ella erigiera
  • nosotros erigiéramos
  • vosotros erigierais
  • ellos/ellas erigieran

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had stood
  • you had stood
  • he/she/it had stood
  • we had stood
  • you had stood
  • they had stood

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera erigido
  • hubieras erigido
  • él/ella hubiera erigido
  • nosotros hubiéramos erigido
  • vosotros hubierais erigido
  • ellos/ellas hubieran erigido


  • you stand
  • we Let´s stand
  • you stand

Imperativo presente

  • erige
  • nosotros erijamos
  • vosotros erigid


Bekijk 11 definitie(s) van stand