Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • arena
  • a playing field where sports events take place




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • groot terrein met sportveld, tribunes, bijgebouwen enz.
  • a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • met zand bestrooid middendeel in een klassiek amfitheater of in een circus
  • a playing field where sports events take place




Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially an area that was strewn with sand


    Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • stadie
    • a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments




    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • a particular environment or walk of life





      1. The Coliseum was the former arena in ancient Rome.
      2. Gall, lover the the Queen, went - magnanimous tour - / Gallantly from the arena to the Tower Grande, in Nîmes.
      3. Originally, it was planned to expand the capacity of the Arena by an additional 5000 seats.
      4. In particular the expansion of the capacity of the Arena by the addition of extra seats.
      5. The only models for which the diagrams are available only through GME Call Centre Services (Arena and Sintra) stopped being produced in 1999 and 2001.
      6. Since the investment is focused on the renovation and development of the Ahoy Arena, the undertakings concerned will be organisers of concerts, festivals, and sports and social events.
      7. The municipality of Rotterdam plans to invest up to EUR 42 million in the renovation and expansion of the Ahoy Arena, which forms part of the Ahoy complex.
      8. In addition, the investment in the Arena is intended to provide a venue at which activities will take place that are aimed at the general public.
      9. Originally, it was planned to expand the capacity of the Arena by an additional 5000 seats. This has now been reduced to […] seats.
      10. The municipality’s investment was intended in part for the maintenance of the Arena and in part for its modernisation and expansion.
      11. As part of the lease, the municipality committed to invest up to EUR 42 million in the renovation and upgrading/expansion of the Ahoy Arena.
      12. Ahoy Rotterdam NV stated that the investment in the Ahoy Arena related mainly to maintenance and renovation, and was aimed only to a limited extent at an increase in capacity [11].
      13. As part of the lease, the municipality committed to invest up to EUR 42 million in the renovation and upgrading/expansion of the Ahoy Arena. This investment is the subject of the project notified.
      14. The investment, including the expansion of capacity, was needed to maintain the value of the Ahoy complex; of the total EUR 42 million, only EUR 7 million was to be used to increase the capacity of the Ahoy Arena.
      15. Mojo and Music Dome argued that the planned investment conferred an advantage on the operator of the complex, in particular because the expansion of the capacity of the Ahoy Arena would increase the operator’s revenues.