Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • functioning in a supporting capacity
    "the main library and its auxiliary branches"


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • furnishing added support
      "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other"



      1. There are two categories of verbs in the Uyghur language - primary and auxiliary.
      2. This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb.
      3. 'can' is an auxiliary verb, so in question sentences it is brought to the start of the phrase.
      4. auxiliary heating
      5. Auxiliary staff
      6. Auxiliary Staff
      7. Auxiliary services
      8. Auxiliary gases:
      9. Auxiliary chemicals
      10. Auxiliary Services (code 258)
      11. Auxiliary research vessel
      12. Cycles with auxiliary motors
      13. Auxiliary starting aid: …
      14. Auxiliary Power Unit
      15. Auxiliary insurance services