Betekenis van:

to centralise
  • tot een geheel verenigen
  • make central



to centralise
  • centraal maken
  • make central




  1. Under the new structure, BGB itself would in future cover wholesale and real estate financing activities and centralise the staff.
  2. Member States shall centralise and send to the Commission requests for access rights to the computer system for data exchange.
  3. Financial centralisation. The team for the financial management of the group's headquarters was strengthened so as to centralise this function within the group.
  4. The team for the financial management of the group's headquarters was strengthened so as to centralise this function within the group.
  5. According to the information provided by the Norwegian authorities, Nørhaven wished to centralise its production, by locating it either in Skien or in Gjøvik, and engaged in negotiations with the City Councils in both Municipalities.
  6. Single authorisations for simplified procedures, as well as the integrated single authorisation, allow operators to centralise and integrate accounting, logistics and distribution functions with consequent savings in administrative and transaction costs, and is a genuine simplification.
  7. Europol shall centralise and process, in accordance with the Europol Convention, all information of a nature to facilitate the investigation, prevention and combating of euro counterfeiting and shall forward this information without delay to the national central offices of the Member States.
  8. The possibility of holding minimum reserves through an intermediary is, as a rule, restricted to institutions which are constituted in such a way that part of the administration (e.g. treasury management) is normally effected by the intermediary (e.g. networks of savings banks and cooperative banks may centralise their reserve holdings).
  9. Simplifying the group and management structures and introducing efficient control systems involved, among other things, structural improvements in the areas of corporate governance, risk control, control/management of the real estate services subsidiaries and alignment of the IT infrastructure. Under the new structure, BGB itself would in future cover wholesale and real estate financing activities and centralise the staff.
  10. An institution may apply to the national central bank in the Member State in which the institution is resident for permission to hold all its minimum reserves indirectly through an intermediary. The possibility of holding minimum reserves through an intermediary is, as a rule, restricted to institutions which are constituted in such a way that part of the administration (e.g. treasury management) is normally effected by the intermediary (e.g. networks of savings banks and cooperative banks may centralise their reserve holdings).
  11. The increase can be attributed to an investment made by one of the Community producers for leasing a new building with a view to centralise and modernise the production process as well as some investment by the Community industry intended for maintenance and renewal of existing equipment but also in new equipment and modules in an attempt to improve competitiveness of their product vis-à-vis the dumped imports from China.
  12. The net investment during the IP was, however, relatively low and ranged between EUR 1300000 and EUR 2300000. The increase can be attributed to an investment made by one of the Community producers for leasing a new building with a view to centralise and modernise the production process as well as some investment by the Community industry intended for maintenance and renewal of existing equipment but also in new equipment and modules in an attempt to improve competitiveness of their product vis-à-vis the dumped imports from China.
  13. An institution with establishments in more than one Member State is required to hold minimum reserves with the national central bank of each Member State in which it has an establishment, in relation to its reserve base in the corresponding Member State. Institutions’ settlement accounts with the national central banks may be used as reserve accounts. Reserve holdings on settlement accounts may be used for intraday settlement purposes. The daily reserve holding of an institution is calculated as the end-of-day balance on its reserve account. An institution may apply to the national central bank in the Member State in which the institution is resident for permission to hold all its minimum reserves indirectly through an intermediary. The possibility of holding minimum reserves through an intermediary is, as a rule, restricted to institutions which are constituted in such a way that part of the administration (e.g. treasury management) is normally effected by the intermediary (e.g. networks of savings banks and cooperative banks may centralise their reserve holdings).