Betekenis van:

to characterise
  • aanduiden als; werkloosheidsuitkering hebben; kwalificeren
  • describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of




to characterise
    • be characteristic of





    1. He often adopts the behaviours and speech patterns that characterise the advantaged.
    2. Please check the alternatives that best characterise the claimant’s work:
    3. where appropriate, any criteria to characterise the recycled plastic;
    4. Equipment specially designed to characterise mirrors for ring "laser" gyros, as follows:
    5. The static geological earth model(s) shall characterise the complex in terms of:
    6. Half-life, t1/2 (d): Term used to characterise the rate of a first order reaction.
    7. A blank screen and reduction in power consumption characterise this mode.
    8. Reflectometers specially designed to characterise mirrors, for "laser" gyros, having a measurement accuracy of 50 ppm or less (better).
    9. Reflectometers specially designed to characterise mirrors, for "laser" gyros, having a measurement accuracy of 50 ppm or less (better).
    10. Has your Member State developed measures in order to characterise sources of substances listed in Annex III?
    11. Has your Member State developed measures in order to characterise sources of substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No)
    12. It is used to characterise how well the return of an asset compensates the investor for the risk taken.
    13. Measurement of PM2,5 must include at least the total mass concentration and concentrations of appropriate compounds to characterise its chemical composition.
    14. According to the third party, military requirements and military technical specifications are two steps that characterise the development of military programmes.
    15. The purpose of these studies is to characterise signs of intolerance and to establish an adequate margin of safety using the recommended route(s) of administration.