Betekenis van:
come apart

to come apart
  • breken
  • become separated into pieces or fragments





  1. Under the heading ‘Others’ (code 4070) are included the expenditures relating to all equipment that does not come under a special mill category apart from coating installations (tinning, zinc-coating, etc.), distinguished at code 4064.
  2. The only significant imports during the IP from countries other than the PRC, apart from those imports by the Community producers from related companies outside the Community, come from Taiwan (see the table above).
  3. Animal health attestation — disease situation in country, area and holding I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the animals described above meet the following requirements:9.1. they are not animals to be destroyed under a national programme of infectious or contagious diseases eradication;9.2. they come from ROMANIA, where the following diseases are compulsorily notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomyelitis (of all types including Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis), equine infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies and anthrax;9.3. they come from the territory with code RO-0 which, at the date of issuing this certificate: (a) is considered free from African horse sickness in accordance with EC legislation; (b) has been free for 24 months from Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis; (c) has been free for 6 months from dourine, glanders and vesicular stomatitis;9.4. they come from holdings(5) either [which have been free from any official prohibition on health grounds:(a) for the past 15 days in the case of anthrax; (b) for the past 30 days in the case of rabies; (c) for the past 6 months in the case of equine encephalomyelitis, beginning on the day on which the last equidae suffering from the disease was slaughtered; (d) in the case of equine infectious anaemia, until the date on which, the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried out three months apart;](5) or [on which, in the event of a notifiable infectious or contagious disease mentioned in 9.1, all the animals of susceptible species have been slaughtered, the premises disinfected and which remained unoccupied by animals susceptible to the disease during a period of 30 days or 15 days in the case of anthrax.]10.
  4. according to my knowledge and to the written declaration made by the owner, the animals:(a) do not come from holdings/establishments (5), and have not been in contact with animals of a holding, in which the following diseases have been clinically detected:(i) contagious agalactia of sheep or goats (Mycoplasma agalactiae, Mycoplasma capricolum, Mycoplasma mycoides var. mycoides ‘large colony’), within the last six months,(ii) paratuberculosis and caseous lymphadenitis, within the last 12 months,(iii) pulmonary adenomatosis, within the last three years, and(iv) Maedi/Visna or caprine viral arthritis/encephalitis,(5) either [within the last three years,](5) or [within the last 12 months, and all the infected animals were slaughtered and the remaining animals subsequently reacted negatively to two tests carried out at least six months apart,](b) are included in an official system for notification of these diseases, and(c) have been free from clinical or other evidence of tuberculosis and brucellosis during the three years prior to export;10.6. they are dispatched from the holding described under point 6 directly to the European Community and, until dispatched to the European Community:(a) they did not come in contact with other cloven-hoofed animals not complying with at least the same health requirements as described in this certificate, and(b) they were not at any place where, or around which within a 20 kms radius, during the previous 30 days there has been a case/outbreak of any of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1;10.7. any transport vehicles or containers in which they were loaded were cleaned and disinfected before loading with an officially authorised disinfectant;10.8. they were examined by an official veterinarian within 24 hours of loading and showed no clinical sign of disease;10.9. they have been loaded for dispatch to the European Community the ..….