Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • buitenrand
  • a bounded scope
"he stayed within the confines of the city"




  1. We also welcome the initiatives which go beyond the strict confines of the 22 undertakings.
  2. Therefore the Commission confines its assessment below to the 2009 Restructuring Plan.
  3. The State may take into account long-term and strategic considerations and enjoys a certain latitude for entrepreneurial decisions and, within those confines, the Commission is not allowed to vet such decisions.
  4. Regarding the cost of land in Trnava, the United Kingdom claimed that no cost should be included, as the project could be carried out within the existing confines of the site.
  5. Regarding the costs of land, the Commission does not accept the United Kingdom’s argument that no such cost should be included in the CBA, as the project could be carried out within the existing confines of the Trnava site.
  6. For that reason, contrary to what the FPAP argues, the distortion of competition must not be assessed within the confines of a ‘relevant market’, for example a ‘regional micro-market’, a concept to which it refers, but, as is provided for under the Treaty, within the common market as a whole.
  7. The State may take into account long-term and strategic considerations and enjoys a certain latitude for entrepreneurial decisions and, within those confines, the Commission is not allowed to vet such decisions. Therefore, the Commission may not request a certain minimum return as long as it can be assumed that the enterprises in question will not be loss-making in the long run.
  8. We also welcome the initiatives which go beyond the strict confines of the 22 undertakings. These measures are the reform of the army by separating national defence from internal security missions and the issue of refugees, for whom the first thing to be done is to restore confidence.
  9. An EGTC shall act within the confines of the tasks given to it, which shall be limited to the facilitation and promotion of territorial cooperation to strengthen economic and social cohesion and be determined by its members on the basis that they all fall within the competence of every member under its national law.
  10. Notwithstanding the provisions on dissolution contained in the convention, on an application by any competent authority with a legitimate interest, the competent court or authority of the Member State where an EGTC has its registered office shall order the EGTC to be wound up if it finds that the EGTC no longer complies with the requirements laid down in Articles 1(2) or 7 or, in particular, that the EGTC is acting outside the confines of the tasks laid down in Article 7.
  11. Notwithstanding the provisions on dissolution contained in the convention, on an application by any competent authority with a legitimate interest, the competent court or authority of the Member State where an EGTC has its registered office shall order the EGTC to be wound up if it finds that the EGTC no longer complies with the requirements laid down in Articles 1(2) or 7 or, in particular, that the EGTC is acting outside the confines of the tasks laid down in Article 7. The competent court or authority shall inform all the Member States under whose law the members have been formed of any application to dissolve an EGTC.