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  1. re-assess its non-road emission inventory estimates and specifically examine potential cross-checks and correction factors;
  2. The table-top exercise will examine cross government decision-making, information exchange and provision of assistance between relevant national and international organisations.
  3. It is therefore necessary to examine the factual and legal situation in the period between 1994 and 2000 with respect to the obligations and precautions introduced by Germany to avoid the cross-subsidisation of the machinery rings’ subsidiaries.
  4. any special advantages granted to the experts who examine the draft terms of the cross-border merger or to members of the administrative, management, supervisory or controlling organs of the merging companies;
  5. The evaluations shall also examine the benefits of the actions to the Community for the advancement of common policies, identify areas for potential improvement and verify synergies with other Community initiatives in the area of cross-border and cross-sectoral interoperability.
  6. As an alternative to experts operating on behalf of each of the merging companies, one or more independent experts, appointed for that purpose at the joint request of the companies by a judicial or administrative authority in the Member State of one of the merging companies or of the company resulting from the cross-border merger or approved by such an authority, may examine the common draft terms of cross-border merger and draw up a single written report to all the members.
  7. The terrorist attack at chemical plant with a release of toxic chemicals will be a basic scenario of the exercise. The table-top exercise will examine cross government decision-making, information exchange and provision of assistance between relevant national and international organisations.
  8. In particular the report shall examine to what extent this Regulation has been successful in ensuring non-discriminatory and cost-reflective network access conditions for cross border exchanges of electricity in order to contribute to customer choice in a well- functioning internal market in electricity and to long-term security of supply, as well as to what extent effective locational signals are in place.