Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • provided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combination
    "a high-crowned hat"
    "an orange-crowned bird"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • having an (artificial) crown on a tooth
      "had many crowned teeth"
      Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
        • crowned with or as if with laurel symbolizing victory




        1. Napoleon was crowned in 1804.
        2. Her efforts were crowned with victory.
        3. Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope.
        4. He was crowned with eternal victory.
        5. He has never been crowned with such glory.
        6. Dozens of pop stars are crowned and uncrowned every few years.
        7. Crowned-pigeons
        8. Red-crowned crane
        9. Red-crowned parakeet
        10. Crowned-pigeons Leptotila wellsi Grenada dove
        11. Amazona finschi (I) Lilac-crowned parrot
        12. Red-crowned crane Grus leucogeranus (I)
        13. Cyanoramphus saisseti (I) Red-crowned parakeet
        14. Lilac-crowned parrot Amazona guildingii (I)
        15. Red-crowned parakeet Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni (I)