Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het bedachtzaam zijn
  • a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry




Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question
    "the deliberations of the jury"


    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision
      "he was a man of judicial deliberation"




      Zelfstandig naamwoord
        • planning something carefully and intentionally
        "it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting"



        Zelfstandig naamwoord
          • careful consideration
          "a little deliberation would have deterred them"





          1. He performed his duty with deliberation.
          2. On the inquest it was shown that Buck Fanshaw, in the delirium of a wasting typhoid fever, had taken arsenic, shot himself through the body, cut his throat, and jumped out of a four-story window and broken his neck—and after due deliberation, the jury, sad and tearful, but with intelligence unblinded by its sorrow, brought in a verdict of death "by the visitation of God." What could the world do without juries?
          3. After deliberation in the light of the conditions laid down in Article 80(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71,
          4. the presentation, if any, by the Commission of its legislative proposals and the ensuing deliberation in the Council shall be open to the public;
          5. Article 5(2), as regards the presence of the European Central Bank only (deliberation without the presence of the European Central Bank);
          6. decision to hold a public debate in the Council or not to hold in public a given Council deliberation (Article 8(1)(c), (2) and (3));
          7. The Council's first deliberation on important new legislative proposals other than those to be adopted in accordance with the codecision procedure shall be open to the public.
          8. The implementation of the second phase will be subject to prior deliberation by the subscribing States on the e-ICC at the Annual Meeting.
          9. all other Council deliberations on such legislative acts shall be open to the public, unless, on a case by case basis, the Council or Coreper decides otherwise with regard to a given deliberation.
          10. those items on the agenda of the Council which are open to the public in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be marked with the words “public deliberation”;
          11. Information obtained by participating in the deliberation of a group or sub-group may not be divulged if, in the opinion of the Commission, that information relates to confidential matters.
          12. documents submitted to the Council which are listed under an item on its agenda marked with the words “public deliberation” or “public debate” in accordance with Article 8 of the Rules of Procedure;
          13. A few minutes before the start of the hearing, the parties’ representatives are escorted by the court usher to the judges’ deliberation room behind the courtroom to meet the judges hearing the case in order to settle arrangements for the conduct of the hearing.
          14. According to Germany, the chief considerations here were to draw together all the Land's promotion-related activities and continue them in a more economic and more efficient manner, to optimise deliberation on and completion of promotion-related tasks and to create the conditions for the flexible use of funds.