Betekenis van:

to disburse
  • in geld geven; loon betalen
  • expend, as from a fund



to disburse
  • uitvieren
  • expend, as from a fund




  1. Member States should disburse the revenues to projects on the basis of legally binding instruments.
  2. The total sum paid may not exceed the amount that the Centre would otherwise have had to disburse.
  3. The total sum paid may not exceed the amount that the Institute would otherwise have had to disburse.
  4. Member States shall disburse the revenues to project sponsors on the basis of legally binding instruments which shall set out at least the following:
  5. ARTEMIS Member States shall undertake best efforts to synchronise the terms and conditions and the establishment of grant agreements and to disburse their financial contributions in a timely manner.
  6. However, where Member States guarantee that any excess funding will be returned, it should be possible to disburse part or all of the funding for a project prior to its entry into operation.
  7. By letter dated 18 November 2003, the Commission asked the Greek authorities to clarify whether they intended to grant or disburse aid to HSY for the purposes of the amended investment plan.
  8. ENIAC Member States shall undertake best efforts to synchronise the terms and conditions and the establishment of grant agreements and to disburse their financial contributions in a timely manner.
  9. First, Greece claims that the fact that ETVA, because there was a risk that the investment aid would not be paid, decided not to disburse the loan to HSY illustrates that ETVA acted as a normal private lender and did not offer to HSY a favourable treatment.
  10. Even if BT is not itself invoiced and does not disburse the amount of the pension protection levy when it becomes due, a lower levy decreases the costs of BTPS and is to the benefit of the assets of BTPS, thus diminishing BT’s own liabilities towards BTPS.
  11. Finally, they are not to disburse the aid (i.e. write off the receivables in the tax office’s accounts) until they have notified the Commission of their undertaking to ensure that the evaluation is implemented and how they intend to do so.