Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • waar te nemen
  • capable of being seen or noticed
"a discernible change in attitude"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • capable of being perceived clearly
    "an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • perceptible by the senses or intellect
      "things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause"
      "the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations"



      1. It consists mainly of sucrose crystals with very sporadic discernible cube-shaped sodium chloride crystals.
      2. While this effect can now be considered to be over, it was discernible until 2003.
      3. as far as was discernible using a microscope, constituents derived from terrestrial animals were found in the submitted sample.
      4. as far as was discernible using a microscope, no constituents derived from fish were found in the submitted sample,
      5. as far as was discernible using a microscope, no constituents derived from fish were found in the submitted sample, or
      6. However, bedlinen is characterised by hundreds of different product types, with some characteristics not easily discernible upon importation.
      7. as far as was discernible using a microscope, no constituents derived from terrestrial animals were found in the submitted sample,
      8. as far as was discernible using a microscope, constituents derived from fish were found in the submitted sample.
      9. as far as was discernible using a microscope, no constituents derived from terrestrial animals were found in the submitted sample, or
      10. However, the product concerned is characterised by a considerable number of product types with some characteristics not easily discernible upon importation.
      11. In addition, the product concerned is characterised by a considerable number of product types with some characteristics not easily discernible upon importation.
      12. Secondly, the product concerned is characterised by a considerable number of product types, with significantly different prices and some characteristics not easily discernible upon importation.
      13. As regards the market situation, Germany observes that freight transport is increasing and that a trend towards larger vessels is discernible in the container ship segment.
      14. As regards the market situation, Germany points out that freight transport is increasing and that the trend towards larger vessels is discernible in the container vessel market.
      15. is based on the indicative lists of elements set out in Table 2 of Annex III, and covers the qualitative and quantitative mix of the various pressures, as well as discernible trends;