Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • twice as great or many
    "the dose is doubled"




    1. Two pictures were doubled.
    2. His revenue doubled after retirement.
    3. I doubled over with laughter.
    4. Tom doubled his investment in a year.
    5. It has more than doubled in size.
    6. She doubled over, clutching her side.
    7. In the course of the past year, prices have doubled.
    8. The number of employees doubled in ten years.
    9. The population has doubled in the last five years.
    10. I doubled up with a stranger that night.
    11. The English writer Charles Dickens doubled as an actor.
    12. By the year 2020, the population of our city will have doubled.
    13. In the play she doubled the parts of a maid and shop girl.
    14. In two years, the company has more than doubled in size.
    15. The introduction of the potato into Nepal doubled the population in a generation.