Betekenis van:

to erode
  • door chemische inwerking doen ontstaan
  • remove soil or rock
"Rain eroded the terraces"




to erode
  • verweren
  • remove soil or rock
"Rain eroded the terraces"




to erode
  • ondermijnen
  • remove soil or rock
"Rain eroded the terraces"




to erode
    • become ground down or deteriorate
    "Her confidence eroded"




    1. Capitalism tends to erode the moral foundations on which it was built.
    2. This would in turn erode the Community industry's profitability, and risk losses.
    3. Further disposals of business assets would, therefore, erode BB’s substance to such an extent that its survival would be threatened.
    4. Exports of raw material would, moreover, invoke additional costs which would erode the already low margins of the upstream industry.
    5. This is supported by the fact that imports from the PRC have been able to erode their market share.
    6. It was true that BB had subsidiaries that were active in key areas of banking, but a sale of such holdings would significantly erode the bank’s substance.
    7. This would in turn erode the Community industry's profitability, and risk losses. It is clear that in this scenario the Community producers would suffer material injury caused by the dumped imports or even risk not to survive this situation.
    8. The largest producer on the Community market had around 30 % market share in the IP which is unlikely to be large enough for them to control and dominate the market. This is supported by the fact that imports from the PRC have been able to erode their market share.
    9. When examining the impact of such additional low-priced imports on the situation of the Community industry it is noted that the sudden arrival of a large quantity of dumped imports would immediately cause a severe price depression on the Community market as the Community industry would be likely to first try to maintain its market share and its production. This would in turn erode the Community industry's profitability, and risk losses.
    10. To the extent that additional spectrum acquired to provide wholesale call termination is included in the cost model, NRAs should review any objective cost differences regularly, taking into account, inter alia, whether on a forward-looking basis additional spectrum is likely to be made available through market-based assignment processes which might erode any cost differences arising from existing assignments or whether this relative cost disadvantage decreases over time as the volumes of the later entrants increase.