Betekenis van:

to forgo
  • verbeuren, verspelen
  • lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime




to forgo
  • vergokken
  • lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime




to forgo
    • be earlier in time; go back further


    to forgo
    • inboeten
    • lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime




    to forgo
      • do without or cease to hold or adhere to




      1. The middle-class woman placed value on her necklace because she didn't want to forgo the privileges of her class.
      2. Do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
      3. The Commission therefore considers that the bond issue was carried out under market conditions and the State did not forgo income.
      4. With the authorisation, the State did forgo income since normally it would have received PTE 1206 million in interest on the outstanding debt.
      5. The writing-off of debts by the authorities confers an economic advantage as it constitutes an agreement to forgo revenue and is therefore aid from state resources.
      6. By giving sports clubs a choice between two alternative methods of taxation, the State would have allowed these taxpayers to opt for the method which was more favourable to them, thereby agreeing to forgo tax revenue.
      7. Otherwise he would forgo part of the additional returns achieved as a result of the capital injection, as the other shareholders would also profit from higher dividends and an increase in the undertaking's value without having made a corresponding contribution.
      8. The Commission therefore considers that the bond issue was carried out under market conditions and the State did not forgo income. As a result, no state resources are involved.
      9. As pointed out above, a market-economy investor who already holds shares in a company will not forgo full direct remuneration if one or more shareholders profit from the capital injection without themselves having made a corresponding contribution.
      10. At this moment, the GOI is liable to forgo the customs duties, which constitutes a financial contribution within the meaning of Article 2(1)(a)(ii) of the basic Regulation.
      11. As the State could not have legally collected this fee from TV2 it did not forgo tax revenue falling to the State budget and hence no State resources are involved.
      12. The question can remain open as to whether a private investor would forgo a shift in share structure only if the other shareholders carried out a similar, corresponding capital injection, at the same time as and directly linked to his own capital injection, and if their transfers were just as likely to increase the returns.
      13. Even though the implementation of the write-off by the tax office has been suspended pending the present procedure before it, the Commission finds that the advantage for the beneficiary was created at the point at which the tax office decided to forgo part of its claims and thus put the aid at the disposal of the beneficiary.
      14. Lastly, the ‘owner effect’ is not a reason to assume a remuneration of more than 0,5 % per annum. As pointed out above, a market-economy investor who already holds shares in a company will not forgo full direct remuneration if one or more shareholders profit from the capital injection without themselves having made a corresponding contribution.
      15. By accepting non-payment of the network fee and interest, thereby giving rise to accumulated debt during the whole period under investigation, the network operator decided to forgo revenue and may have had to borrow money from the market in order to finance its operations.