Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • niet bruikbaar
  • not capable of being carried out or put into practice
"refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility"



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • niet werkbaar
  • not capable of being carried out or put into practice
"refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility"



  1. His plan sounds impracticable.
  2. At one time it was thought impracticable for man to fly.
  3. the consignee; or, if impracticable;
  4. by the consignee; or, if impracticable,
  5. taken back by the notifier de jure; or, if impracticable;
  6. to the competent authority of dispatch; or, if impracticable;
  7. other natural or legal persons as appropriate; or, if impracticable,
  8. Impracticable Applying a requirement is impracticable when the entity cannot apply it after making every reasonable effort to do so.
  9. For this reason the monitoring of the undertaking would also be impracticable.
  10. to other natural or legal persons as appropriate; or, if impracticable;
  11. the notifier de jure or other natural or legal persons as appropriate; or, if impracticable;
  12. Under these circumstances, it was considered that price undertakings were impracticable and could not be accepted.
  13. 42 When it is impracticable to reclassify comparative amounts, an entity shall disclose:
  14. Furthermore, the procedures currently in existence are frequently either inadmissible or impracticable in cross-border cases.
  15. This review concluded that the elimination or substitution of the substances is still technically or scientifically impracticable.