Betekenis van:
industrial enterprise

industrial enterprise
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het belangrijk worden v.d. industrie
  • the development of industry on an extensive scale



industrial enterprise
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • ondernemersinitiatief
  • the development of industry on an extensive scale




  1. Enterprise and Industrial Policy
  2. Enterprise and industrial policy
  3. Enterprise policy and industrial cooperation;
  4. Industrial cooperation and enterprise policy;
  5. Chapter 20: Enterprise and Industrial policy
  6. Chapter 20: Enterprise and industrial policy
  7. Chapter 20: Enterprise and industrial policy
  8. The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme in support of enterprise, particularly SMEs, entrepreneurship, innovation, including eco-innovation and industrial competitiveness is hereby established.
  9. Enterprise and Industrial Policy Continue simplifying the business environment for SMEs, and align with the SME definition used in the EU.
  10. By the time it had completed its industrial restructuring, Euromoteurs had dismissed 60 % of its workforce, closed one production site out of two and become a medium-sized enterprise.
  11. for industrial research, up to 60 % of investment and expenditure approved as eligible. If the applicant was a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), the aid could total up to 70 % of the eligible project costs,
  12. PZL Hydral was established in 1946 as a State enterprise. It is now a large company which until 2008 specialised in the production of civil and military industrial hydraulics, the design, manufacture and service of electronic hydromechanic fuel-regulating systems for aviation engines of all types, hydraulic control systems for aircraft and power hydraulics for helicopters.
  13. The French authorities have stressed that, by the time it had completed its industrial restructuring, Euromoteurs had dismissed 60 % of its workforce, closed one production site out of two and become a medium-sized enterprise within the meaning of Community legislation.
  14. In 1978 it acquired EPIC status (public enterprise of an industrial and commercial nature) pursuant to Law No 78-23 of 10 January 1978 on consumer protection and information (products and services), under which, the LNE was made responsible for performing all analysis, research, consultation, expertise, testing and supervisory services and providing technical assistance to protect and inform consumers or to improve product quality.
  15. facilitating exchanges of information on policies relating to enterprise and to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly with a view to improving the business environment and encouraging closer contacts between SMEs, in order to promote trade and increase industrial cooperation opportunities;