Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • eigenschap van niet gelijk zijn
  • lack of equality
"the growing inequality between rich and poor"



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • ongelijkmatigheid
  • lack of equality
"the growing inequality between rich and poor"




  1. No inequality should be allowed to exist between men and women.
  2. supporting the fight against poverty, inequality and exclusion, including by addressing the basic needs of the previously disadvantaged communities;
  3. The application of this provision to storage contracts may not be in the interest of storers and may even result in inequality of treatment.
  4. promoting social cohesion as a shared goal and priority policy of Community-Latin America relations thereby fighting against poverty, inequality and exclusion.
  5. promoting social cohesion as a priority policy of the relations between the Community and partner countries, with a focus on decent work and social and fiscal policies, thereby fighting against poverty, inequality, unemployment and exclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups;
  6. As indicated in paragraphs (31) to (34), the Court also ruled that the granting of different transitional periods as a function of the date of expiry of the authorisations amounted to an inequality of treatment.
  7. improving quality and productivity at work: Efforts to raise employment rates go hand in hand with improving the attractiveness of jobs, quality at work, labour productivity growth; substantially reducing segmentation, gender inequality and in-work poverty.
  8. improving quality and productivity at work: Efforts to raise employment rates go hand in hand with improving the attractiveness of jobs, quality at work, labour productivity growth; substantially reducing segmentation, gender inequality and in-work poverty. Synergies between quality at work, productivity and employment should be fully exploited,
  9. Accordingly, the Court's judgment does not require the Commission to restore perfect equality of treatment as between all the coordination centres but to offset the effects of the inequality of treatment for certain undertakings that would have suffered from the lack of an appropriate transitional period.
  10. The Commission's first annual report on equality between men and women to the Spring European Council in 2004 concluded that significant gender gaps exist in most policy fields, that inequality between men and women is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that has to be tackled by a comprehensive mix of policy measures and that enhanced efforts are needed to meet the Lisbon strategy targets.
  11. Not only do these formal procedures lack any raison d’être in the light of the new Community guidelines but they also place France in a position of inequality in relation to other States which on the basis of the new Community guidelines wish to establish aid schemes or grant individual aid on an ad hoc basis to short sea shipping services with their neighbours.
  12. The application of this provision to storage contracts may not be in the interest of storers and may even result in inequality of treatment. Therefore, a derogation should be made with regard to the determination of the last day of storage under contract.
  13. Member States should integrate the flexicurity principles endorsed by the European Council into their labour market policies and apply them, making appropriate use of European Social Fund and other EU funds support, with a view to increasing labour market participation and combating segmentation, inactivity and gender inequality, whilst reducing structural unemployment.
  14. The Court of Justice has confirmed that whilst the contributions of male and female workers to a defined-benefit pension scheme are covered by Article 141 of the Treaty, any inequality in employers' contributions paid under funded defined-benefit schemes which is due to the use of actuarial factors differing according to sex is not to be assessed in the light of that same provision.
  15. setting different levels of benefit, except in so far as may be necessary to take account of actuarial calculation factors which differ according to sex in the case of defined-contribution schemes; in the case of funded defined-benefit schemes, certain elements may be unequal where the inequality of the amounts results from the effects of the use of actuarial factors differing according to sex at the time when the scheme's funding is implemented;