Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • geldigheid volgens de wet; het rechtsgeldig zijn
  • lawfulness by virtue of conformity to a legal statute



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • geldigheid volgens de wet; eigenschap v.h. wettig zijn; wettig- of rechtmatigheid; het gerechtvaardigd zijn
  • lawfulness by virtue of conformity to a legal statute




  1. Legality
  2. Legality of the measure
  3. Legality of the aid
  4. Legality of the scheme
  5. Control of legality
  6. Legality of the measures
  7. Legality of the aid measure
  8. Assessment of the legality of the aid
  9. ensuring the legality and regularity of the transactions.
  10. Notification requirement, legality of the aid, and applicable law
  11. Scrutiny of the legality of the cross-border merger
  12. ensuring that the requirements of legality and regularity are complied with.
  13. The County Administrative Court’s review was confined to the legality of the decision.
  14. Europol shall be responsible for the legality of the transmission of data.
  15. Eurojust shall be responsible for the legality of the transmission of data.