Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • glad katoenflanel met velours haardek
  • wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • stof, van lamawol vervaardigd
  • wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump




  1. Is it a llama?
  2. Is that a llama?
  3. To record something, they used knotted cords made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.
  4. Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy.
  5. They sit on the ground or on blankets made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.
  6. Of alpaca, llama or vicuna
  7. Cherimoya (Custard apple, sugarapple (sweetsop), llama and other medium-sized Annonaceae)
  8. Cherimoya (Custard apple, sugar apple (sweetsop), llama and other medium-sized Annonaceae)
  9. Mantener alejado de fuentes de calor, chispas, llama abierta o superficies calientes.
  10. Custard apple, sugar apple (sweetsop), llama and other medium sized Annonaceae
  11. No pulverizar sobre una llama abierta u otra fuente de ignición.
  12. alpaca, llama, camel, kashmir, mohair, angora, vicuña, yak, guanaco, cashgora, beaver, otter, followed or not by the name ‘wool’ or ‘hair’ [1]
  13. hair of the following animals: alpaca, llama, camel, kashmir goat, angora goat, angora rabbit, vicuna, yak, guanaco, cashgora goat (a cross between the kashmir goat and the angora goat), beaver, otter
  14. ‘fine animal hair’ means the hair of alpaca, llama, vicuna, camel (including dromedary), yak, angora, Tibetan, Kashmir or similar goats (but not common goats), rabbit (including angora rabbit), hare, beaver, nutria or muskrat;
  15. ‘Fine animal hair’ means the hair of alpaca, llama, vicuna, camel, yak, angora, Tibetan, Kashmir or similar goats (but not common goats), rabbit, (including angora rabbit), hare, beaver, nutria or muskrat.