Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • (of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • either not matched or unsuitably matched



      1. What's with that mismatched dress?
      2. In the context of maturity mismatched positions, the method is that for corporate exposures as set out in point 16 of Annex VII, Part 2.
      3. Such findings made by authorised workshops, (records of broken, damaged or missing seals; missing plaques; incomplete or mismatched information between what was recorded on the vehicle unit and what was contained on the motion-sensor and; any detection of manipulation devices; copies of print-outs relating to the Events & Faults File and any other relevant print-outs), could, for example, form part of the regular reporting format and Member State Competent Authorities are encouraged to ensure that this is in fact the case.