Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • overneming door de gemeenschap
  • changing something from private to state ownership or control



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the action of forming or becoming a nation



    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • the action of rendering national in character



      Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • nationalisering
      • changing something from private to state ownership or control




      1. The Competitive Framework was implemented by NR following the nationalisation by the UK authorities.
      2. It has been subject to nationalisation and a profound in-depth restructuring.
      3. The nationalisation law laid down that, as a general rule, companies which produced electricity primarily for self-consumption (self-producers) were excluded from nationalisation and were permitted to retain their power generating assets [3].
      4. In this case, burden-sharing is achieved due to the nationalisation of NR (see also recitals 148 and 149).
      5. Italy nationalised its electricity sector by law No 1643 of 6 December 1962 (hereinafter the nationalisation law).
      6. Gaz de France, set up and operated pursuant to Loi no46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.
      7. Firstly, NR will no longer continue as the same economic entity as before the State intervention. It has been subject to nationalisation and a profound in-depth restructuring.
      8. Entities distributing electricity, mentioned in article 23 of Loi no46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.
      9. Entities distributing gas, mentioned in article 23 of Loi no46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.
      10. Électricité de France, set up and operating pursuant to Loi no46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.
      11. EDF has had public enterprise status since it was set up by Act No 46-628 of 8 April 1946 on the nationalisation of electricity and gas.
      12. The Competitive Framework was implemented by NR following the nationalisation by the UK authorities. It aims to ensure that NR will not be able to use its Government support in order to compete unfairly on the market.
      13. Other comments concerned the importance of NR as a large employer in the North-East of England and the compensation shareholders of NR should receive due to the nationalisation undertaken by the United Kingdom.
      14. After the nationalisation of NR in February 2008, the UK authorities submitted a restructuring plan (hereinafter ‘initial restructuring plan’), the contents of which were described in more detail in section 2.3.5 of the opening decision and also in section 2.2 of the extension decision.
      15. As regards the burden-sharing of the costs related to the impaired assets between the State, shareholders and creditors, both the former shareholders and the hybrid capital holders will contribute to the restructuring of the bank to the greatest extent possible as the former have been wiped-out (i.e. lost a substantial amount of their investment) as a result of NR’s nationalisation.